Monday, July 15, 2024

I was right about this being a 9-11 kind of event (the attempted Assassination)

I realize now watching how the timeline is severely altered in every way from this one event and how close Trump came to dying that this was a "Time Altered Event". Because just like Trump said, "I was supposed to be dead!"

As a soul often a soul knows what is supposed to happen so when he didn't die if a soul has this reaction often they are right.

So, I would say it was an act of "Grace" for the whole world that Trump didn't die in this planned assassination. But, I now believe the "Grace" was also a time alteration, the other time alteration is his documents case being thrown out by Judge Cannon. Time and Space have been altered severely here and there likely is a good reason that time and space were altered in this way. Not sure what happens next on this timeline but 2 billion less people die now by 2100 than before. Very strange changes to the time line but I see the wisdom of it (whoever did this). 

NOTE: If you don't know what I'm talking about before this event there were only going to be 1 billion people alive on earth or less by 2100 AD. Now with these two events for some reason there are 3 billion people left in 2100 AD on earth instead of only 1 billion or less left alive.

The primary killer of people this century by the way will NOT be war, it will be starvation and heat stroke that take out around 5 billion people this century which will NOW take us down to 3 billion people left alive now by 2100 AD.

Literally everything in the time line has now changed to a better outcome than before.

By God's Grace

Everything in the future has been now changed.

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