Sunday, July 14, 2024

When I studied Quantum Mechanics when I was younger:

What occurred to me reading about quantum mechanics is that at that level what one thought about ANY scientific experiment affected directly the outcome of that experiment.

It led me to believe (it still does) that basically what you believe actually tends to create the reality you live in.

So, positive thinking is not only a survival tool, without it you might be creating a hell for yourself to live in by thinking wrongly about yourself and everyone around you.

This also lead me to believe why it is so very important to become enlightened in this lifetime to help save the human race from themselves and from negative thinking which is both suicidal and self destructive too.

So, from this point of view, compassion for yourself and others tends to create a heaven realm that people can actually live in here on earth (or at least in their minds and feelings). It doesn't mean always that you can bring others into your heavens but it might.

So, people who create heavens who live together can possibly live in their combined heavens right here on earth.

By God's Grace


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