Tuesday, July 26, 2011

California Dream Act Signed into law by Governor Brown

begin quote from above article
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - California Governor Jerry Brown signed into law on Monday a bill allowing illegal immigrants to receive privately funded scholarships to attend the state's public colleges and universities.
The bill, dubbed the California Dream Act, passed the state Legislature earlier this month and aims at helping illegal immigrants who earned a diploma after attending at least three years of high school in the state. end quote.

Many of you think this was just passed for people from Mexico and Latin America. However, in California is Silicon Valley which at this moment is booming once again. And since there are not enough fully skilled High Tech workers in any one country or state, it is to California's advantage to be able to give scholarships to "All" illegal alien excellent students who have gone to three years of High School in California who have come from any nation. This is more about lifting California out of a severe financial depression than anything else. Every state or country needs brilliant students to change their economic bottom lines for the better, no matter where they come from.

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