Monday, July 25, 2011

Multiculturalism is necessary for World Peace

If you have studied history or even talked with your parents, or Grandparents as I did growing up during the 1950s, you know how divisive it used to be between all groups even here in the U.S. Derisive words for every nation on earth were thrown around and often there were fights between groups of people from different European nations, different African Nations and just look at the Japanese Prison camps for American Japanese here during World War II.

So, here in the U.S. and Europe especially have been the seedbeds for multiculturalism worldwide. Since all nations have had to learn to get together we have also had intermarriage of all nationalities, religions and ethnic groups. And some would say we are all the stronger as nations for this.

Some people are traditionalists and want every nation to stay genetically pure and I understand why they feel that way. However, realistically, multiculturalism where Muslims and Christians marry and there children are then allowed which religion or no religion to choose is the answer in the end to Islamic Terrorism or Christian Terrorism as we just saw in Norway. Only by the mixing of the races and mixing of genetic pools worldwide will there be a potential end to national strife of nation against nation and of Religion against religion. Yes. In the end the world will be sickeningly homogenized and all look the same. But this might be the only way to actually have world peace where when literally all nations are biologically related to each other here in the present. The alternative is nuclear annihilation where no life exists at all because the planet just exploded just like the Asteroid belt here in the Solar System did  when our ancient ancestors nuked their planet out of existence.

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