Sunday, May 24, 2015

Because this Nuclear Treaty Conference collapsed it is much more likely more nuclear weapons will be obtained and eventually used

UN nuclear conference collapses over WMD-free zone in the Middle East


If you don't know what I'm referring to please click on the above word button.


However, basically all the confusion and issues by many different countries adds to the nuclear tension.

What is missing is a lot of people who remember what happened in Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Chernobyl etc over the years. This I would say is the problem.

The problem has become way to theoretical and theory and idea driven because not enough people remember just how bad the suffering was after World War II worldwide.

So, people can talk about all sorts of things but if they haven't experienced them first hand and shared the horror first hand it is very difficult to come to the right sorts of agreements that they had to in the 1950s through the 1980s.

So, because now most people who actually remember how bad it was have slowly passed away over the years the outcries are no longer loud enough to create what needs to be done to fully protect humanity from more nuclear explosions on cities or military bases worldwide.

So, it is much more likely we are going to see thousands to millions die in nuclear explosions at this point (the next 50 years) than it is for people to actually solve their problems.

As a precognitive psychic and someone who has studied Social psychology, Psychology, Anthropology, philosophy and religion I would say this is the likely outcome at present unfortunately. 

However, I'm only sharing this as a way to motivate others to realize the problem more fully and create a better solution so we don't have to watch millions die fried like eggs from nuclear radiation and 1000 mile an hour winds scattering whatever is left of them over large areas.




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