Saturday, May 30, 2015

The effects of a neutron bomb

If you are within a specific radius of the epicenter where it goes off you will be dead within an hour. You will immediately start throwing up and keep throwing up until you die within 1 hour. Outside of that radius you might be okay.

This is why armies consider this weapon useful because radiation can be kept relatively controlled and you can keep most houses and dwellings from being destroyed as well. But, everything living within that radius: humans (of any age), animals of any age, birds of any age, fish of any age, insects of any age, and likely plants of any age including trees likely would be dead soon too.

Armies consider this a useful weapon because they can keep it (OFF) their own troops while effectively killing an entire army that this weapon lands upon.

I personally think this is pretty sick but that is just me. And not the new way to use sick as "good" or interesting but in the bad way like really really bad for all life on earth.

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