Sunday, July 10, 2016

reprint of: "Grandpa Fred's pet Robot Mosquito"

I guess people liked this article enough to put it up with it's own address at Google Search or something. When I went in through my Iphone I found it along with "The Path According to Fred" and "Fred's magnetosphere Theory" at Google Search.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Grandpa Fred's pet Robot Mosquito

If you remember R2D4 and Grandpa Fred they had both had type O Blood (see above word button for more info)
Anyway, Grandpa Fred had bought an army surplus Mosquito Robot as a pet that could land on the tip of his finger. 
He greatly enjoyed sending it to land on birds or other animals because he could get blood samples this way because the Pet robot Mosquito was pretty fast so by the time the animal or bird realized the mosquito pet robot was there it had left and taken a blood sample with it along the way.
Grandpa Fred (now basically immortal) because of genetically enhanced red blood cells was presently 88 years old and had a lot of time on his hands because his wife and youngest daughter had passed away. But, R2D4 his grandson like to spend a lot of time with him because he was now home schooled anyway, so Grandpa Fred was a source of amazing technology because he had always been a software and hardware inventor part or full time at various times in his life because this was one of his many hobbies just for fun and sometimes for profit.

By the way R2D4 was basically immortal now too.

R2D4: Where did you get this neat little robot Grandpa?
Fred: At an Army Surplus store. They aren't used anymore since they have much smaller robots now that people can't see at all. So, since people know a lot of the mosquitos are either GMO or Cyborg Mosquitos or little robots like this one people put out electrical fields with small EMP generators so technology like this is obsolete.

However, birds and wild animals and pets don't have EMP field generators around their homes now like most people do to protect from this kind of intrusion.

So, I can study the local health of birds and animals and any people without EMP generators for my research and inventions.

R2D4: Oh.

R2D4: Can I operate the pet robot mosquito?

Fred: Yes. But be careful because it can fly very fast and if it hit any solid object at that speed it might be damaged. It isn't that it would die because it is a robot. But, healing printed circuits that size would be almost impossible.

However, I do have about 10 to 20 of them in that box over there. Do you want to see one of their tricks when I put them all in unison?

R2D4: Sure. Show me.

Grandpa Fred smiled and programmed all 20 of them to fly at once. Then a funny thing happened they formed the letters "R2D4" in the air in front of his Grandson.

R2D4: smiled at the joke: He said: "What else can they do?"

Grandpa Fred had them create patterns that were very intricate as they assembled and dissassembled set to music. There appeared to be very little speakers built into the mosquitos that sounded like a mosquito but could make a sing song like sound of music that sounded like 20 mosquitos playing the Star Wars Anthem which made them both laugh of course.

R2D4: How can you do anything with such small samples of bird and animal blood?

Grandpa Fred: "Well. There is a lot of peripheral technology that I bought with the Mosquito Robots which allows me to process minute amounts of blood and find out the health of various hosts. Also, I have a camera recording that goes along with who each droplet of blood belongs to also.

So, I'm building charts on local and migrating birds and animals through our area as well.

R2D4: And any humans it takes samples of as well?

Grandpa Fred: "Yes"

R2D4: "Does it record conversations too?"

Grandpa Fred: "Yes. OF Course but that's not what I bought them for."

R2D4: "Would you mind if I used one to experiment with?"

Grandpa Fred: "At your age I don't want to you send it into some beautiful teenagers bathroom to spy on her or to listen to her conversations."

R2D4's face turned red. Grandpa had caught him being 16 in his mind. But, he also realized his Grandad was just training him to be more of a gentleman than most boys were now in 2038.

So, through his blush he nodded his agreement with his Grandad to honor his wishes.

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