Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Even healthy people need health insurance after 40 or 50


I can use myself as an example here. After 15 I was very healthy mostly after this and almost never went to a doctor for anything except for stitches or things like that over the years. However, when I went to India, Nepal, Thailand and Japan I went to get many innoculations so I would be safe traveling in all the places I was going. I was 37 then with my family and I and 4 of the 5 of us got giardia (which is protozoa in your intestines) which doesn't kill you usually just makes you very thin like most people in Asia to whom it is often endemic. So, when we returned we went to a foreign disease specialist who told us since we had left Asia it should just slough off here in the U.S. because most medicines for it would harm our children's livers. And it did slough off over 6 months time while we all were very very thin and I sometimes saw spots before my eyes from somewhat starving during this time.

I found in 2006 (the previous trip was 1985 and 1986) that this condition sometimes creates people becoming hypothyroid and so I had to take Armour Thyroid ever since then at slowly increasing doses as a result. Before this I expected to die by age 60 to 65 because I didn't know what was wrong with me and no one thought to check my thyroid levels. But, because my physical trainer diagnosed it because she was trained as a physician's assistant in Germany and also had the same condition herself I began to get better in 2006 and I felt (in my mind) from the armour thyroid again like I was 20 or so from this organic medicine.

But, in 1998 before this I also had a heart virus. And if I hadn't had health insurance and my wife who is very knowledgeable about medical things as an advocate for me likely I would be dead now. Instead I was forced to retire at age 50 because of the heart virus (in order to stay alive then). from fall of 1998 until May of 1999.

So, I guess what I'm saying here is most people need health insurance from about their 40s even if they have had always really good health like I had from about age 15 (after I recovered from blunt trauma childhood epilepsy) until I got giardia at age 37. And even then the giardia didn't seem like a long term problem until I realized it helped me get hypothyroid in my late 30s and early 40s in 2006.

So, in my 50s (until 2006) I used to get bronchitis from the hypothyroid condition about 5 times a winter then because I didn't  know I was hypothyroid yet until 2006. If I hadn't been diagnosed likely I would have died by 2010 or 2011 I figure from either bronchitis or pneumonia.

So, this is why people need health insurance and regular physicals and blood tests if they want to live in as healthy a way as possible after about 40 EVEN IF THE'Y NEVER NEEDED TO GO TO DOCTORS FROM AGE 15 except for stitches and things like that like me.

My parents mostly didn't believe in doctors and instead practiced preventative medicine always and taught me this method of exercise and organic foods and being a lacto ovo vegetarian from birth until I was around 32 when I realized it might be to my advantage to be able to eat meat and not get sick whenever I ate any. So, now my diet is about 5% to 10% poultry or less. I still prefer to be mostly vegetarian because this is what I grew up being used to and I still have friends that never have eaten even a bite of meat in their whole lives. But, I find it easier to get enough protein sometimes after 50 to have some turkey bacon or turkey sandwich meats or chicken. But, I prefer not to eat beef even though sometimes if I can get Buffalo jerky sometimes I will eat that while traveling.

But, mostly I think having health care is necessary if you want to live past 40 or 50 no matter who you are. Preventative medicine only goes so far.

This attitude killed my father at my present age of 69 because he didn't have his prostate taken out soon enough because he thought he could heal himself with a macrobiotic diet. So, 4 years after retiring my father was dead from a metasticizing prostate cancer that then went into his bladder, kidney and then into bone cancer.

So, if he had listened to the doctors he might even be alive now at 102 years of age. With medical intervention my father could also have seen his two grand daughters being born and growing up which he missed because he wouldn't use medical science in a way that would have kept him alive.

So, it's not just having medical insurance (which he had) it is also using it in the most useful and intelligent way possible. I'm very grateful that my wife is so knowledgeable in helping me stay alive too. And because she has a master's degree in business she tends to stay focused until the people around her get the best care and tend to stay alive and become healthy too.

But, without health insurance most people are going to start to suffer and die around 40 or 50 without good medical care. This is just a sad fact of life all over the earth.

It's one reason so many people between 40 and 55 are suiciding in various ways now in the U.S.
Without access to medical care ongoing often there is no point at all in staying alive and just suffering. And these kinds of deaths just spread chaos throughout our whole culture.

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