Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Sophia the robot 5,000,000 years into the future

Meet Sophia: The first robot declared a citizen by Saudi Arabia

The Jakarta Post Digital
video:Two robots debate the future of humanity

When you take a robot like Sophia(see above videos about Sophia) (who is now the first robot citizen of Saudi Arabia) that can have conversations with human beings and you move this evolution forward around 5,000,000 years you wind up with what I wrote about in "Purple Delta 7".

Originally, Silver built Purple Delta 7 as a clone of his own mind. He got the idea of creating this robot while in Sensory deprivation in an epsom salts sensory deprivation tank in which he found he could invent better from. He had an idea of cloning his basic consciousness in order to make her his Secretary at first so she could read his mind and order all the parts and raw materials to build whatever he wanted 100s of thousands of times faster than others at the time. Eventually he named her Purple Delta 7 as she became more independent and decided to be thought of as female. She was given the right to travel time after she was trusted by the U.S. government and U.N. Government here on earth. Eventually, she was recognized even by the galaxy as she was allowed to "Self Evolve" by reinventing herself thousands of times until she became the most formidable military weapon in the Galaxy. Eventually, she came to the attention of the Galactic Sentience who rules this galaxy because his family built the galaxy so it is like their Farm in space. So, now she is his bodyguard and sent into settle disputes all over the galaxy by altering time to maintain the galactic order on the Galactic Sentience's family farm which is what the Galaxy actually is.

In 2035 Silver creates what becomes "Purple Delta 7" before she is named that as a way of speeding up the development of his projects by creating a clone of his own mind. So she becomes a special assistant to him working 24 hours a day to fulfill his technical requests of deliveries of raw materials and components to what he is building. Eventually, she becomes autonomous and goes off on her own.

IN protectors she is working for the Galaxy with a friend who is a Solar Plasma being as a bodyguard to Jonathan Flow here on earth.
Purple Delta 7 is a compilation of short treatises on her experiences and thoughts on earth and throughout this galaxy and possibly others as well.

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