Wednesday, January 22, 2020

If you feel you are protected by a forcefield are you actually safe?

If it is something physical you are trying to protect against, it might be debatable, even though I have heard of at least one person building their forcefield to the point where bullets of a firing squad bounced right off.

So, that is possible too. But, would you really want to chance dying because your forcefield isn't as strong as you might think in that given moment?

But, often in regard to psychic attacks if you visualize your forcefield strong enough long enough often you can prevent harm from psychic attacks using a forcefield.

For example, for me, if I feel I'm being attacked psychically and don't really want to deal with that at night with the lights off, I usually just turn the lights on and I can stop whatever attack it is just by turning the lights on and changing the energy quickly in the room and in my attention.

Often protecting yourself is about where you put your attention and often people are vulnerable when they are first going to sleep from wandering strange beings or beings who are high, crazy or malevolent. This is why it is good to have an altar in your bedroom or in your closet so you can set up a permanent field to help protect you both waking and sleeping ongoing.

Illegal drugs can often separate people from their bodies in strange ways and so they can be really strange wandering around sort of like confused homeless people who don't know who they really are.

So, protecting yourself from the midnight soul ramblings of the de-ranged is a useful thing to do.

Most of the time I live with angels, set up an altar wherever I am and at home as well (in prayer and mind as well as physically in my bedroom where I live. This acts as a spiritual generator to create an entrance to the heaven realms in your bedroom or closet or wherever you pray and sleep the most.

By God's Grace

Since my path has always been a path of Angels and through the angels Soul Travel I understand things like this a lot. So, if you maintain a type of consciousness that angels can be around 24 hours a day like I try to do this can help a great deal in stabilizing your lives for good actions and good works in all dimensions on earth and beyond in heaven realms ongoing.

By God's Grace

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