Saturday, July 25, 2020

God IS Amazing Grace!

People tend to have small minds and keep running in their little hamster wheels whatever they are around the world.

But, in times like these those hamster wheels aren't going to spin and food won't come and shelter won't come the way it used to which is similar in many ways to World War II and the Great Depression.

So, one must open their minds to the Amazing Grace of God and Pray or often they won't make it. They won't survive.

God is unlimited in any way shape or form. People get stuck in their ruts and sometimes cannot see what God sees. So, they get drunk and use drugs in desperation but that doesn't really help at all. It just hastens their departure from earth.

Only by being open to God's Amazing Grace and expanding your view of the universe beyond your own personal or family hamster wheel can you survive these times.

Survival will come from expanding your minds eye to start to see what God sees. Otherwise you might not be around anymore.

When I was young I thought in smaller ways. I didn't really realize it at the time and from ages 15 to 21 I just thought that my life would be like my parents life. But, I was not my parents at all but someone entirely different from them. I was smart like my Dad and intuitive like my Mom and this combination changed everything in my life.

So, by the time I turned 21 my life had been turned upside down first by whooping cough at age 2, by Blunt Trauma epilepsy ages 10 to 15 and then by breaking up with a girl I wanted to marry at age 21 and leaving the church my parents had raised me in. I saw no future and began planning my own death.

But then, I couldn't do that to my parents because they had been very good and kind parents to me. So, I refused to die because I couldn't do that to them.

This decision of thinking of others before myself drew God into my life in ways I hadn't considered before and set my life in entirely new directions.

I lived and moved differently than my parents and finally got married at age 26 and had a son. By learning to be a householder Yogi (your yoga is your family) I was able to finally move forward then and stop being potentially self destructive by all the risks I tended to take in my life.

So, I stayed alive to raise my son and then my other children. I started or bought businesses to support my family. I bought land and built a house on it in the Mt. Shasta area (even though I had been raised in Seattle to age 4, in San Diego from 4 to 6, in Los Angeles county from 6 to 21.

So, I went in different directions than my parents did and moved north to Mt. Shasta. Here I finally found peace. I finally found the peace that God had brought to me and I also found the Grace of God and I became happy until my father died when I was 37. Then when he died I had another difficult time in life from about 37 to 50 when I almost died. I got divorced again and remarried which was a good thing for my ongoing survival and Grace and living with God.

And since around age 50 when I almost died I have become grateful for every moment I have left. So, for around 22 years I have lived completely in God's Grace and traveled the world with my wife and children and friends.

Your ideas of your life are very limited. But God's ideas of your life are infinitely expansive. If you want to survive these times you have to allow God to take you anywhere he wants you to go in your new lives.

Because likely your old lives are gone forever, never to return again. Because we all live in a completely new world with new rules and new parameters that might have nothing at all to do with the world we lived in before even in 2019.

by God's Grace

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