Sunday, September 4, 2011

Death and Birth

I was thinking today what I know the most about as an intuitive through direct experience. I realized that I know the most about death. In other words at the very least about 50 people or more at this point have passed on that I knew since I was little. And especially since I have been about 21 or more friends of mine often came to me to ask my advice about what they should do after they passed on. So, since they didn't have a body anymore I would try to counsel them as to what would make the best result for  them. Usually I told them to pray for angels and I would too even if they didn't believe in angels when they were alive. I said to them that this would help them in their transition so they would wind up somewhere they actually wanted to be rather than someplace neutral or even scary. When you are on the other side often it is just like here on earth. There are places that it is safe to go and other places that are not safe to be. So, helping people who have passed over to get to a good place tends to make them very grateful and helpful on down the line when you need help. Even after people pass on "What goes around comes around". So being helpful might just keep you alive and happy and helpful when dealing with both the living as well as the dead.

I realized the second thing that I knew a lot about was birth. I often watch souls come into and out of new bodies in their mother's womb. Often their mother is someone they knew before and trusted so this is a good experience for the soul coming into the womb. Others aren't so sure about their mother and try not to be that present until they are born and have to be there full time as souls. Also, at first souls tend to spend a lot of time sleeping and dreaming. What they often are doing is spending all the time they can in heaven when they sleep or dream so they bring as much grace as possible into both their lives and their parents lives or the lives of whoever raises them and keeps them safe growing up.

The interesting thing about souls is that I believe the total number of souls that is actually native to earth is probably under 200,000 (maybe 144,000) so the rest tend to be visitors because they like to come to earth and to party here in this era because the humanity of earth will sort of go from a caterpillar and turn into a butterfly so to speak pretty soon and a whole lot of souls like to come to earth for that because it is so amazing to be a part of something that wonderful. It is sort of the same thing when a whole lot of people show up at a hospital for a baby being born and all their lives are enriched by it. The same is true of the souls now coming to earth from all over the Galaxy and beyond as well as other dimensions because of how wondrous and wonderful what is coming for the human race is. I can genuinely say "No one on earth is prepared for what happens next" It really is a surprise party for the human race here now.

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