Sunday, September 18, 2011

Keep Writing

If you are an idea person like me, keep writing. Not everyone is an idea person but if even one person reads what you write about and sees the wisdom of your ideas and is able to manifest your ideas it is possible that that one idea might be the one that keeps the human race alive in the future. That one idea may be the one that keeps that person alive that they are reading right now.

One of the reasons my life went as well as it did was that I started working after school and on weekends when I was 10 years old, first with a paper route. I remember being 12 years old in 1960 and working one Saturday for 8 hours straight for 8 dollars cash. As I looked at my bleeding and blistered hands from digging all day I held the 8 dollars cash I was paid for working with a pick and shovel all day. I thought at the time that the money wasn't worth the pain that I felt in my hands. And then the next day I brought gloves so I didn't hurt my hands as much the next day. Innovation. One step at a time we all learn if we are given the chance. By age 21 I felt two things. First, I had worked so much already that I was ready to retire at age 21. I was emotionally and physically exhausted from all the work and school already. So, my solution was that as soon as I could manage it I was going to have my own business or businesses. My first business was being a Landscaping Contractor. I installed plants alongside a Landscape Architect and rented tractors to grade land and to plant all sorts of things and to put automatic sprinkler systems in. However, I found I wasn't hard nosed enough to be a contractor. So, I created or bought other businesses. But basically from the time since I was about 27 or 28 I have owned most of the time one or more businesses ever since then until I was forced to retire in 1999 because of a heart virus.

So, I guess what I'm saying is write about what you know about so that others might also learn and survive from what you have learned so far. If you are good at video games then write about that. If you are good at school write about that. If you are good at business write about that. Knowledge used properly becomes wisdom and from wisdom one can then move towards compassion and help those who need it. If your ideas become successful and you have free time then help your kids, help your friends, help your neighbors. Otherwise, they might not make it without you. Keep writing.

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