Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Surviving Your Gifts

Maybe it might be better to say, "Surviving your uniqueness". Everyone is gifted or special in different ways. Much of the time, if possible, it is often good to emphasize your sameness with other people even if you are markedly different, especially if your differences are not noticed by people at first or at all. This is just basically "Survival 101" for everyone worldwide.

If you are intuitive or psychic when others don't seem to be you will especially begin to notice this around age 5 as you compare yourself to others especially if you ask them things about how they perceive reality. My experience around age 5 was that I tended to be much more grown up in my perceptions of reality and less likely to do crazy things in school around other kids. This didn't mean that outside of school with close friends that I wouldn't do things like jump out of trees from 5 to 7 feet high, climb tall trees, and ride my bicycle as fast as I could on suburban streets from age 5 on. But usually in school I was very reserved. I think after almost dying from whooping cough I didn't trust people much. So whatever I could do to survive any situation was okay by me.

If you are intuitive and other people in your family are intuitive too, maybe one or more of them will be able to answer your questions in a way that might be helpful. If not, they will redirect you and you might have to wait into later in life or not at all to develop your gifts whatever they are.

The other useful thing is that the best way I have found to be is to find a way to use your gifts to help your family and friends survive better and anyone who needs your help that it is safe for you to help. That last statement these days is very important "Anyone who needs your help that is safe for you to help." If someone is not safe for you to help physically you can still pray for them and you usually know immediately when you see someone whether they are safe for you to help or not. Usually the very first feeling you get in your stomach is the correct one before they say anything to you at all. Learn to trust your instincts because in the end they will be the difference of whether you survive in life or not. Millions of years of evolution kept all our ancestors alive to bring us here into life now. So their instincts that helped them survive anything are in your DNA too. Trust your instincts.

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