Friday, September 16, 2011

Transition to Immortality

Transition to Immortality

I’m writing as a precognitive psychic and as an intuitive. If you know anything about this at all when you talk about what is coming you change the future so that is what is important about this. So, for me as an intuitive if I see something I like about the future coming often I don’t write about it so it happens exactly as I see it happening so often it manifests exactly as I see it coming. However, if something needs to be changed or modified I write about it so people can decide for themselves to make the future a better outcome than what was coming.

We live in paradoxical times. What I see coming now is that literally ½ of the world is moving towards immortality and simultaneously the other half of the world is moving towards starvation and death. So, basically speaking worldwide the single main difference in EVERY nation between these two groups is those starving to death are not educated while those moving the quickest towards immortality are the most educated. How each one reconciles these two extremes will create the future of this century and beyond. If one’s only concern is to help the 50% starving people then human extinction is the result. If, however, one’s concern is both for the 50% starving and for human immortality for the other 50% this tends to create the best outcome on many fronts because humanity emerges out of both this century and the next as a more compassionate group of people than if the upper 50% just live only for themselves and just let the other 50% of starving people die.

However, because of the fears of so many who are in the upper 50% it is very likely right now that many if not most of the lower 50% in income and ability will die awfully and all of the upper 50% will have to live with that worldwide which will make a whole lot of fragmented and not psychologically balanced immortals in the next century.

In the end, we don’t want just a whole bunch of rich immortals torturing everyone else in multiple ways because they can. What would be the best outcome would be for a more middle class philosophy to prevail because this philosophy worldwide would create both education of all classes and saving all who could be saved physically and psychologically and spiritually. So at the very least people will know they tried to save as many as possible from starvation and death and ignorance worldwide.

With this more middle class philosophy prevailing worldwide we would wind up with a benevolent yet realistic world order with scientists, philosophers, doctors, lawyers, psychologists, farmers etc. who are scientifically and medically immortal who can maintain and increase the knowledge base exponentially and this knowledge can through the internet and institutions of higher learning around the world be able to move all good citizens and educated people towards immortality who actually choose to be immortal. Make no mistake about it. Physical potential immortality is coming for everyone left alive on earth by 2100. The only question remaining is how benevolent and compassionate will the result to worldwide society be.

Within the next 10 years you will see the signs of relative immortality beginning, through gene therapy, the growing of cloned organs and the like, and better organic foods being prepared for those who can afford to either grow them or buy them. Then you will see first among highly educated people in Universities, there being people who seem to never die who are researchers there. You will also see first super soldiers who seem to survive any battle and you will see robots who fight alongside of those super soldiers. You will also see exoskeletons on many soldiers so one soldier can lift a car, Humvee or tank  or whatever. These are some of the signs of coming immortality in people. Artificial intelligence will be one of the main drivers towards immortality. By taking Artificial intelligence and allowing it the use of the internet by which it can delve into all databases 24 hours a day, potential medical roads to immortality can be achieved within 10 years time by 2020 to 2030. The first truly immortal people will arise on college and military research facilities worldwide by 2035. It will become common knowledge by 2040 and thousands of people will become immortal by 2045 and likely be publicly known as immortal depending upon the social consciousness of that era on earth.

The really paradoxical thing about human immortality is that without it humans go extinct within 500 years because without brilliant people becoming immortal and continuing their research the entire human race is likely to go extinct within 500 years along with most of the flora and fauna of the planet.

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