Friday, May 25, 2012

The latest Japanese Radiation Horror

What happened is actually quite logical if you think about it. There is a quarry used for making cement about a few miles from Fukushima Nuclear power plant. Everyone was worried about food and water but no one was worried about things like rocks from quarries nearby Fukushima. So, a level of radiation ten times higher than normal is turning up in an Apartment building foundation built during the last year. Now that the radiation has shown up almost all residents on the first 2 floors of the apartment building have moved out. But that isn't the end of the problem because cement from that particular radiated quarry has been used to build over 1000 structures throughout Japan including a canal that carries water used for agriculture and for  animals to drink. Tea from Japan has been contaminated and wound up in the supermarket where people have drunk the tea and animals slaughtered for consumption have been fed grain and other feeds that have been contaminated and the radiation has concentrated in the flesh of the animals before having been slaughtered, sold at market and eaten.

So, over 100 facilities to test all food and soil have been set up in Tokyo to test whatever food or water people bring to be tested for radiation. No one believes the government regarding what is safe anymore and so those who can afford it either buy their own radiation detectors or go visit one of these facilities to test food and water and soil from where they live.

This was on Wolf Blitzer's Situation Room on May 25th 2012 on CNN TV.

This is one reason when I bought a Toyota Tundra I made it a point to buy a 2011 manufactured before March 2011. But even if I get large parts to replace them here in the U.S. in the future I don't want to buy parts that might have been left outside exposed to be radiated somewhere near Fukushima in Japan. This is something to think about when you buy anything made near Fukushima in Japan or even downwind of Fukushima Nuclear Power plant.

Remember, even one particle or dust mote lodged in your lungs or inside your body for 20 years likely will be fatal if it is highly radiated material.

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