Saturday, May 26, 2012

More on the Philadelphia Experiment

I was going to Youtube to research something else and by accident? found the above radio show regarding UFOS and the Philadelphia Experiment.

What I found that interested me a lot was that Albert Einstein then in the early 1940s was at Princeton University and was under contract at that time with the U.S. Navy. So, it gives more credence to what I wrote Intuitively at:Tommy
since the Navy and the U.S. Marines were then and are now in some ways two parts of the same thing.

One by one things have come together in my life in regard to what I wrote about at Tommy who was my uncle, who I recently found out had disappeared as a Naval Test Pilot. However, the cover story that I and the family was told was that my uncle had  accidentally run his private planee into another plane and the other planes wings came off and augered in and that one of his wings came off and he pinwheeled down into a power line. Then a little old lady went to get a garden hose and supposedly he burned up.

However, in the last few years my cousin showed me a certificate that my Uncle Tommy was actually a Naval Aviator Test Pilot. So, go figure. It turns out that also my best friend since I was about 21 turns to me when I mention this and he says, "Oh. I studied about 1940 to 1943. What happened was they decided to hit Japan so they sacrificed a lot of pilots trying to learn to take off and land on Aircraft carriers with Bombers for Dolittle to hit Tokyo and scare them. But many pilots were sacrificed in order to scare Japan by hitting them hard in the first era of the war to make them think twice about hitting us and to think more about protecting the Japanese Homeland more."

Then also, my Aunt's husband was a blimp Naval Captain and this was why through the Captain my Aunt was given this certificate of how Tommy was actually a Naval Test Pilot. And what I wrote could be considered to be a "TEST PILOT" especially if you consider traveling time as being a "Pilot".

So, when I innocently went into Youtube today there on top of a list was the above Youtube address so I began listening to it. However, I found watching the ship disappear and reappear kind of weird so I just listened to the radio broadcast instead.

Another thing that I find interesting is that when I first learned that I could "Channel" when I was about 22, the first person to come through and to talk to me and counsel me was my Uncle Tommy. Even though this capacity in me scared my folks at the time it lead to me learning to become more and more accurate as a channel over the years because I would cross check information that I could not know any other way to see just how accurate I actually was in different circumstances. So, I found I could get better and better at knowing the past, present or future anywhere on earth better in this way. So, if you are gifted don't just go off without cross checking and cross referencing yourself to see just how accurate you really are or not or you will wind up in only a fantasy land and not in any reality.

And also, one of the difficulties of being able to know what happens on earth in the past, present or future is that often it is not exactly what people report it to be for a variety of reasons. There is what happens and then there is what story people tell about it. So, there are facts, then there are the stories.
So, if you are gifted you might have to reconcile between facts and stories and what you get about what actually happened. Because of this you find that about 75% of what people believe  in history has no basis in facts in regard to history. Now this might upset some people but remember History is literally "His Story". You notice it doesn't say, "His Facts".

So when we begin to check "facts" we know that there was a ship named the "USS Eldridge"
Albert Einstein  taught at Princeton during at least the early 1940s and was under contract to the U.S. Navy.
Though the U.S. Navy denied anything happened with the U.S.S. Eldridge it is sort of like Roswell where there is just so much conflicting information from witnesses and higher ups that you realize the cover stories just don't fly which is what happens when governments try to hide the truth from most of the public but also realize that some people are bound to stumble onto the truth along the way.(Or at least some different people are bound to stumble onto different parts of the same truths).

So then, finding out (after I wrote "Uncle Tommy Travels Time") that my Uncle actually DIDN'T die in a private plane crash like 25 members of my family were told then and eventually, but instead was a test pilot for the Navy and that my Aunt had a certificate that authenticated that was not as surprising as it should have been. So, this means to me that when I wrote this I intuited closer to the truth than others might have suspected, especially because of Einstein having a Contract with the U.S. Navy, especially since at that time the U.S. Marines were even more a part of the U.S. Navy than they are now. So, what is the Truth? I guess we each have to make our own judgement about this every day, don't we?

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