Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Radioactive Blue Fin Tuna in California?

I actually wrote about this problem when the Earthquake and Tsunami happened a year ago. But I did not expect necessarily that Blue Fin Tuna would be caught in California with two types of radioactive Cesium on board their flesh that is at ten times normal radiation. If Tuna that spawned off of Fukushima then swam 6000 miles to California before they were caught are radioactive with 10 times normal radiation levels just how high is the radiation in the flesh of Tuna and other fish that stay around Fukushima and around Japan?

However, it is important to say that though it is ten times normal radiation most people feel it is still safe enough to eat. However, I don't consider that safe enough for me to eat personally. But, that's just me. It is important to consider that there is nothing living on earth that doesn't already have radioactive Cesium in its body already since Hiroshima and Nagasaki. And the way Rembrandt Forgeries are detected is by the radioactive Cesium in the paint which did not exist in paint before the 1940s here on earth. So, I guess what I'm saying is that every nuclear test and every nuclear meltdown increases the radioactive Cesium in everything living on earth. And beyond that Since reactor number 3 reprocessed Plutonium from nuclear weapons, Plutonium has a half life of about 25,000 years. So, every living thing on earth will soon also have radioactive Plutonium on board within a couple of years as it mixes into water, rain, snow, dirt, oceans, rivers, lakes and everything else living here on earth.

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