Sunday, December 16, 2012

Assessing Danger

The next couple of weeks because of December 21st 2012 combined with the "Fiscal Cliff" combined with the two latest  multi death tragedies here in the U.S.  combined with another Christmas season and new year is a difficult combination for the planet to endure right now. What made me think about this was my daughter watching a "Glee" episode where two of the kids in the High School "Get Married" so they won't die in the "end of the world" alone. But then, December 22nd arrives and they are still alive and the world didn't end. I had another friend who is dyslexic laugh with me that he thought 12-12-12 was the December 21st date and thought to himself, Well. That wasn't so bad after all.

First of all you have many people trying to find a way to cope with "Culture Shock" and "Future Shock" of just too many changes to endure within too short a period of time, which also includes many people still out of work in this nation "About 9 to 12 million" at this point who can't find jobs still and some without work for 28 weeks or more at this point. Then the Fiscal Cliff might end "Unemployment Compensation after "26 weeks or so" with no extentions if Congress doesn't do their job right before the 1st of January.

Then you have more homeless and near homeless people than ever before in the U.S. since the Great Depression the last 5 years or so. And also, the recession doesn't seem to ever end (like the old ones used to after a year or two at most) since the Great Depression.

With all these factors more people than ever need some kind of hope and change and will tend to grasp at straws in a pinch.

So, I would say the next 2 weeks or so are very "Potentially psychologically dangerous" both for individuals as well as for certain larger groups of people.

The people I would say it is most dangerous for would be "Under 30 years of age" and even more specifically between 13 and 25 years of age who haven't had enough life experience under their belts yet for some of them to have enough experience to have a better idea of what to expect than they might have.

There was a story told about sailors that is somewhat historic because it has happened many many times over the past several hundred years where a ship has sunk and the bell bottomed trousers doubled as air bags to keep the men afloat in a pinch by taking off their pants in the ocean and tying off the legs so air can't escape and putting air into the bells to stay afloat. Well, often it was the over 25 year olds who often survived shipwrecks whereas men under 20 often drowned. The older men would think to themselves, "Well. I have already survived some really awful things in my life and maybe if I don't panic and just stay calm and resolute I just might survive this too, and many of them did. Whereas the younger the man the less life experience and the more likely they would panic and drown from losing hope too soon.

The next two weeks or so will be like this for many people in the world. So, "Merry Christmas" because we all need to take care of each other through the next couple of weeks into the beginning of 2013. Happy New Year!

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