Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Preparing for the Future

Though many people think that becoming Doomsday Preppers is the way to go, likely if no doomsday happens (and usually they don't), it might be more useful to learn how to build a fire, shoot a gun, grow your own food, and survive in any environment as well as to develop your intuitive senses, learn more languages (especially languages like Spanish and French) if you are living in the United States.

Problems that come more than likely will be pandemics or weather or drought related. I think that big wars are a thing of the past for a variety of reasons, one of which is the amount of communication between cultures. Our old Cold War Ways of thinking aren't really relevant in this century with many Russians and Chinese now moving to the U.S. to live permanently or relatively permanently. So, the communication now is worldwide and nationalism appears to be more and more like rooting for your home team at a football game as time goes on.

So, learning how to access resources might be the most important thing you learn in life, whether you are accessing education or people who could be helpful to you in the future, or learning how to grow food for yourselves and your families, or how to live more remotely away from big cities.

Because, if things actually do get bad being in a big city sometimes is the worst place to be because in bad times often resources don't get distributed equally in cities like they might more in the suburbs or countryside. I think observing what actually happened in Hurricane Sandy or Hurricane Katrina might give you an idea of what I'm actually talking about.

In the future you might not be able to count on your home or land being a place of refuge at all times because of floods and droughts and other weather events. So, your knowledge and mental and physical and emotional and spiritual health are going to be the most important things you own. Most of the time your land or property will be valuable to you, but you have to allow for a 25% chance that it could become a liability either financially or through drought or floods. So, this is something to think about. So, often it is better to be prepared also for a mobile lifestyle if weather goes wrong where you live. So, psychologically being prepared for literally any kind of event will allow you and your family to survive and even to prosper in whatever events that come to be in this world.

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