Sunday, December 8, 2013

It's 10 am Sunday in Santa Cruz, Ca. :38 degrees on the California coast?

I woke up and walked outside to turn on my inflatable lighted Santa Claus riding a polar bear and thought to myself, "Wow. This cold is really biting." So, I went inside I tried to assess the temperature. I realized that all along the northern California coast it was in the high 30s. (presently 42 in San Francisco). In Eureka, for example, it is presently 31. When I checked the Mt. Shasta Ski area it was 13 degrees Fahrenheit and was supposed to have gone down to zero last night. Also, up near the Canadian Border one of the cities there in the U.S. has a high temperature for the day of still minus 3. This is really early for such low temperatures. It is almost like mini ice age weather if this keeps up on into December and January.

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