Monday, November 10, 2014

2/3 of ISIL funding has already been eliminated by the U.S. and the Coalition

In August ISIL was making $3 million a day from extortion raiding Mosul and killing, kidnapping, selling women and girls, and refining and selling oil and power to Assad and other groups of people around the world.

However, since all or most refining and oil drilling capacities have been bombed mostly out of existence by the coalition of nations fighting against ISIL 2/3 of the money making capacity of ISIL have now disappeared temporarily or permanently.

So, since ISIL has now killed or sold most people available to it to do so with and taken all their resources, (land, money, health, relatives) in most areas they have already captured, they are greatly limited in their resources at present. So, like Warlords unless they can continue to expand and to take over more lands and kidnap or kill and sell more people their days as the Islamic State are numbered because they won't be able to pay their soldiers soon only making $1 million a day. So, for now, they likely can still pay the new 1000 soldiers from around the world joining them every month and might be able to give each soldier a sex slave of their own and might cause 1000 new deaths minimum to captives and people they are taking over or selling their days right now are numbered as "The Islamic State" because of the war declared upon them by the U.S. and the Coalition of nations now fighting them.

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