Thursday, December 25, 2014

If 30% of Ebola Cases is 20,000 Then:

Then 70% of actual cases is: 42,000 and 100% of cases is 62,000.

In recent research I did they remarked that because only 30% of cases are actually taken to hospitals in Western Africa that only 30% of actual cases are reported. So, the 20,000 cases we hear of actually is only 30% of the actual cases on the ground there because only 30% of the actual cases go to any hospital or receive any medical attention at all. There simply are not enough doctors, nurses or facilities to treat them all. That is why the 22 year old female nursing student from Liberia is so vital in all this in using black plastic garbage bags on her feet under rubber boots and using black plastic garbage bags over her hands and head to treat her father, then mother then sister then cousin is so important. Her new (low cost) home body coverings are a real breakthrough for family members trying to treat their loved ones without dying too. So, this has gone across Africa now by TV so others can possibly stay alive if they are diligent while treating relatives. With her training as almost a nurse (one year short of that) she was able to save the lives of her father, her mother, her sister but not her young male cousin.

In some ways the world not hearing that the actual number of cases is 62,000 and not 20,000 is a disservice to mankind because it underestimates how bad this really is for the world as this travels through 3rd world nations decimating populations one nation or two at a time and simultaneously decimating 3rd world economies.

If 62,000 black people in the U.S. had Ebola and 7,000 of them had already died of it it would be a really big deal. But, because it is in Africa where people have always had a very hard time staying alive not as much interest in this has been granted because of so many different Crises this last year. However, now it is probably endemic to the world like AIDS is as a direct result of just too many Crises at once, sort of like some of the catastrophes caused during World war II from overwhelm of everyone on earth.


Actually I rounded off to 6,000 as being 1/3 of 20,000 so 100% would actually be much higher, it would be over 65,000 for 100% of cases approximately.

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