Saturday, January 24, 2015

Be Kind Go Write

I was thinking about "Do Art Be Kind" which is a statement that is endearing to artists and to art lovers and modifying it for writers or those who love to read which is "Be Kind Go Write"

or for readers "Be Kind Go Read" which might be a whole lot better than buying a gun and joining a gang which might then read. "Buy a Gun. Join a Gang. Wind up Dead before 25".

which is equally as true as "Do art Be Kind" or "Be Kind Go Write" or "Be Kind Go Read"

If you in kindness to yourself or others can help people stay alive and live constructive lives without harming themselves or others, then you have contributed to the ongoing nature of civilization.

If however, you contribute to pain and death and dying it is sort of like, "He who lives by the sword dies by the sword" which is even more true today.

Even though often it is now, "He who lives by the Kalishnokov often dies by the Kalishnikov too"

So, learning to spread education, enlightenment, and progress and not death is very useful to every civilization on earth in the long run. Because in the end peaceful civilizations will continue as long as overpopulation doesn't overtake us all in the meantime by creating too many failed states for civilizations to survive.

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