Sunday, January 25, 2015

On Killing Middle Eastern Leaders with drones

On the surface to Americans, killing bad terrorist Middle Eastern Leaders with drones who fire Hellfire missiles into their convoys or tanks or whatever sounds like a good idea.

However, as I think more about it, whether we like them or not this is their leadership structure in many commmunities.

Now, think about the effects of this in those communities. We might be safer "HERE" without those people alive but often leaders around the world aren't very nice anyhow and are created directly by whatever environment they grew up in. So, when you kill other people's leaders you wind up with a bunch of dumb people without leaders who might not be capable of critical thinking and just create chaos for everyone there ongoing.

So, we wonder why there are more and more failed states?

And the answer also might be:

The U.S. and Europe have already killed anyone capable of being any kind of leader in that area at all and all that is left is people that will kill everyone left?

So, what we wind up with is failed states with no leaders at all because we have killed all the ones that didn't like us, but those might be the only real leaders those people had.

So, what might be good for us in Europe and the U.S. might be a complete long term disaster for people on those areas who have No One left capable of leading them at all and wind up with a completely failed state for decades or centuries because of this.


One way to study whether this theory is correct or not is to watch over the next 25 to 50 years how much of the world becomes failed states.

If we get to 50% failed states in the Middle East and Africa by 2050 I think my theory will have been proven correct.

What do you think?

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