Thursday, January 29, 2015

If you add compassion for yourself and others to Instinct and intuition you have civilization

IT is instinct and intuition that has always kept the human race alive because if each one of us doesn't learn how to use our instincts and our intuitions we don't usually long survive in a human body here on earth. It's always been this way.

When we added compassion for ourselves and others to instinct and intuition we created civilization. When we speak about intelligence, intelligence has no meaning at all without instinct and intuition. Because beings don't survive long enough to develop intelligence if they don't first start with instinct and intuition first. Then we developed intellect to build homes, in hunting, in becoming farmers and in developing monetary systems etc.

However, without instinct and intuition none of these added things would have been possible.

So, it is important to understand where we came from in order to make full sense of our lives as human beings.

In the end all religions are sort of like the houses we build, stylized for each individual culture that we developed in.

So, I find it more useful to look at a religion in any culture on earth the way we look at the way homes are built there by the average person than anything else.

For example, the average religious book (in any nation) is based upon things you need to know where that religion developed.

For example, in some religions that developed around deserts pigs are bad because their meat doesn't keep so it can often be fatal without refrigeration which is why pigs are bad in Islamic and Jewish religious traditions.

Wherever it was too hot without refrigeration pig meat could be fatal unless the pig was eaten when it was slaughtered and cooked properly.

You will find most religions have facts like this that help you survive in the weather patterns where they develop from even though when those religions travel around the world many of their tenets no longer make any sense because of this, especially in a world of refrigerators and freezers.

But, if I look at what is important in all cultures and religions it is that people have instinct and intuition and if they have compassion for themselves and others then we have civilization possible anywhere on earth or any planet we settle on next anywhere in the universe.

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