Wednesday, February 11, 2015

What the Creators told me about how Galaxes are created

When I soul traveled to the Galactic Core because somehow I could without dying around age 21 and 22, I re-established a relationship with the species all our souls appear to come from which reminds me a lot of the Greek pantheon of Gods and Goddesses or of Odin and Thor and all that (same type of pantheon with slightly different names).

Anyway, when I went there they were surprised that I could do this without my physical body dying on earth because they thought that would happen to most beings that would try doing this. However, for some reason I didn't die.

So, later when I was back in my body here on earth I asked them about how Galaxies are made and they said that Creators make all the Galaxies. It is particular species of beings that does not naturally live in either time or space but they can also be here in time and space if they want to. But it is not their natural state. Their natural state is Dark Matter or dark fluid which contains no time or space.

But then they (in order to feed more of their children) create Galaxies which create temporary fields of time and space (like the time and space we live in here on earth.

However, when I say temporary I mean millions and potentially billions of years. So, like I have said before here Galaxies are like Creator farms where they have separated Dark Matter (no time no space) into matter galaxies and anti-matter galaxies which balance each other out. You cannot have a matter galaxy without having an anti-matter galaxy that might be reached through the black hole in the center of each and every galaxy. Because each galaxy must have a black hole to keep all the stars and planets and everything else circling around it. And through the black hole is polar opposite Anti-matter galaxy for every matter galaxy you see when you look out into space with a telescope.

I'm not telling you I'm a scientist. This is just what the creators told me about Galaxies when I asked them about where Galaxies came from.

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