Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Why Women Are Leaving the Workforce in Record Numbers

  Why Women Are Leaving the Workforce in Record Numbers
Click above word button to read news article:
The actual reasons appear to be basically two:
The first reason is some women not highly educated cannot afford child care if they work.
So, working is counterproductive both economically and to the well being of the children.
The second reason women are leaving the work force is highly trained women who are also highly educated are choosing to be mothers when they give birth rather that to continue to work at their jobs.
This second reason makes sense to me. Have you ever studied the statistics of children raised by their mothers as opposed to public schools, day care centers and baby sitters, in regard to the problems such children encounter as children, teenagers, adults?
If you did you likely would stay home if you were going to have kids too.
However, you also might want to go back to work or college or both when your kids go to college or work also if you are a mother.
So, this change has a lot of people upset. But demographics in the end are about individual people. And individual people are going to usually do what they think is best for themselves and their children given all available information that they can gather. And they also will do what they think is best for their husbands or significant others too.
So, the people upset are usually those attached to one specific demographic. In other words demographics don't rule people's lives, people rule people's lives as more and more people become both educated and well informed.
So, the whole article makes much more sense in this context. 

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