Thursday, October 15, 2015

How can the U.S. Trust Putin?

In regard to ending ISIS, creating some kind of agreement with Putin might be useful.

But, how can the U.S. trust Putin enough to do that when you look at what he did in the Ukraine?

Also, when the U.S. tried to create an agreement regarding jets and air space in Syria his officers video taped the session without U.S. permission and flagrantly put it on the Internet. This is no way to start an "Alliance" of any kind, especially after Ukraine and Crimea happened.

Then Putin says at the United Nations: "I'm going after ISIS targets in Syria". Well, mostly that has not been the case. Instead both Iran and Putin and Russian jets have gone after Sunnis often related to the same women and children tortured by Assad for peacefully demonstrating for Sunni Muslim rights in Syria in the beginning. So, If the thrust of Putin's targets are not ISIS the U.S. and NATO cannot agree with what Putin is doing here.

So, what is the value of Putin chastizing the U.S. for not joining him?

It's mostly political for people who don't understand what is actually going on in Syria which is true of most people on earth who don't have the time or interest to study what is actually going on there.

So, why aren't we aligning with Putin?

Because we cannot trust him at present.

But, will the U.S. eventually go after ISIS along with Putin?

There is always the saying: "The Enemy of my Enemy is my friend"

And it might hold true in this case as well.

Because in regard to ISIS "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" might also apply (at least in regard to ISIS too) to Iran because Iran is the avowed enemy of ISIS too, since ISIS wants more than anything to kill all Shiites (Iran is Shiite) because ISIS believes Shiites are heretics and must be killed along with all Christians and every other religion.

Russia and Putin are Russian Orthodox Christians. The Russian Orthodox Christian Church has declared a Holy War in Syria.

The U.S. and Europe (and the Catholic Church) would never do something like this. However, Christians everywhere must find a way to protect Christians wherever they are on earth.

So pragmatically speaking at least I think Christians are going to find ways to protect Christians ongoing as well as everyone else who isn't trying to kill Christians right now.

It is likely that those people trying to kill Christians will either quietly or not so quietly disappear from the earth over the next few years. Because of NATO and the U.S. and Putin and others. This is just very likely from now on.

And because of this sooner or later some kind of agreement with Putin regarding how to stop people from killing Christians is likely to come about.

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