Friday, July 8, 2016

Dallas police used a robot to deliver bomb that killed shooting suspect

  • I think you are going to see more and more suspects killed by a robot with a bomb, especially when they have already wounded or killed so many officers. This is only logical.Whether this is a drone in a foreign country with a missile or a machine gun or right here at home in the U.S. with a robot on rollers, tracks or legs, in the future this will be the preferred method to dispatch a relatively (unkillable foe).

  •  begin quote from:

  • Dallas police used a robot to deliver bomb that killed shooting suspect

    The Durango Herald6 hours ago
  • Dallas police used a robot to deliver bomb that killed shooting suspect

    (c) 2016, The Washington Post.
    A standoff between police and one of the suspects in a Dallas shooting that left at least five police officers dead and seven others wounded Thursday night ended after the suspect was killed when a robot delivered and detonated explosives where he was holed up, according to local law enforcement officials.
    "We saw no other option but to use our bomb robot and place a device on its extension for it to detonate where the subject was," Dallas Police Chief David Brown said at a news conference Friday morning. "Other options would have exposed our officers to grave danger."
    Attempts by a hostage negotiator to convince the suspect to surrender were unsuccessful and the man exchanged fire with the police during the standoff, Brown said. Three other suspects are currently in custody, according to police.
    The shootings in Dallas occurred at the end of an otherwise peaceful demonstration spurred by police shootings this week that killed Philando Castile in Minnesota and Alton Sterling in Louisiana.
    Police departments increasingly have used robots dedicated to help disarm bombs, but this appears to be the first time a similar bot has been used to deliver an offensive explosive in a domestic policing action.
    However, some experts have pointed to similar tactics in war zones. In his book "Wired for War," New America senior fellow Peter Singer, who specializes in the future of security, noted incidents when American troops in Iraq jury-rigged primitive remote-controlled robots to deliver antipersonnel mines into alleys where they believed insurgents were hiding out.
    Keywords: dallas shooting, robot, bomb robot, dallas, dallas police shooting, blacklivesmatter

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