Thursday, July 21, 2016

Elon Musk's master plan for Tesla is self-driving cars and trucks powered by the sun

I have been writing about doing this online since 1999. And it makes more sense than anything else I have heard in areas where there is enough sun to do this. You simply cover a car with solar cells where the paint is and there are see through glass solar cells too that could be in the windows. Then you put solar cell panels on your roofs of your home or business wherever there is enough sun and you no longer would need Power plants powered by coal or gas anywhere on earth. However, water powered electrical generating stations would be useful for factories and the like. But, most or all domestic power use could be solar most of the year most places on earth. And the rest could be wind or wave power. This reduces your generating carbon input to zero regarding electrical generation worldwide.

Elon Musk's master plan for Tesla is self-driving cars and trucks powered by the sun

Quartz - ‎14 hours ago‎
Tesla's secret master plan was never really a secret. Tesla's original plan, laid out in a 2006 blog post, was to build an electric sports car, plow profits from its sales into a more affordable car, build an even more affordable one and then deploy ...
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