Friday, July 22, 2016

Michael Moore's comment on previous article

"He told the paper that if Russia attacked the Baltic States, which are NATO members, he would decide whether to defend them only after reviewing “if they have fulfilled their obligations to us.”

Very, very bad, and sure to encourage Mr. Putin and his supporters in the Kremlin.     For a candidate who claims to be strong and "high energy," this statement shows that he is simply arrogant and ignorant.     Just as he walked away from his meeting with the NRA after the Orlando shootings with nothing to show for it, he would likely walk away from a challenge from Putin with a dangerous weakening of the Western alliance.   Yet another reason why we face very serious risks in putting the Presidency in the hands of someone who thinks he knows it all, but of course knows surprisingly little about foreign affairs.
end quote from Comments section on following article:

NATO Takes Issue With Donald Trump's Comment on Defending Allies

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