Friday, July 8, 2016

Obama Rebukes Poland’s Right-Wing Government

Obama Rebukes Poland’s Right-Wing Government
begin quote from:
WARSAW — President Obama chided Poland’s new right-wing leaders on Friday over …
President Obama and President Andrzej Duda of Poland after speaking at the NATO summit meeting in Warsaw on Friday. Credit Stephen Crowley/The New York Times
WARSAW — President Obama chided Poland’s new right-wing leaders on Friday over moves that have effectively hobbled the country’s top constitutional court, the chief check on the government’s power, and urged them to do more to nurture democratic values and institutions.
The unusual public rebuke of a close American ally came after a private meeting between Mr. Obama and Andrzej Duda, Poland’s president, on the opening day of the NATO summit meeting in Warsaw.
“I expressed to President Duda our concerns over certain actions and the impasse around Poland’s constitutional tribunal,” Mr. Obama said. “I insisted that we are very respectful of Poland’s sovereignty and I recognized that Parliament is working on legislation to take important steps, but more needs to be done.”
The issue erupted shortly after the new government of the Law and Justice Party assumed power late last year. The Polish Parliament, dominated by members of the governing party, passed a law changing the way the top court was to function, making it almost impossible for it to overturn new legislation. The government then refused to recognize the court’s decision that the new law was unconstitutional.
Poland had already come under fire over the issue. Last month, the European Commission ruled that Poland had violated the European Union’s standards regarding the rule of law, a move that might eventually result in sanctions.
The Law and Justice Party rejected the criticism, but said it would take steps to address the bloc’s concerns.
For several days this week, in sessions that sometimes ran into the wee hours of the morning, the Polish Parliament pushed through a new law governing the way the tribunal functions — hoping to have it passed in advance of the NATO summit meeting.
The new bill was drafted by the governing party. Opposition parties had offered 44 amendments, but they were all rejected. On Thursday afternoon, it passed the Sejm, the lower house of Parliament, but it still must pass the Senate and be signed by Mr. Duda.
The bill lowers the number of judges who must be present to hear cases, one of the criticisms that had been leveled over the previous law, but adds other provisions that critics say are intended to continue hobbling the court.
The tribunal would still be forced to hear cases in the order they were received, taking away its power to fast-track issues of immediate importance. Also, a new provision would allow any four judges on the 15-member panel to delay a ruling for months.
“President Obama had to react this way,” said Radoslaw Markowski, a political science professor at the Polish Academy of Sciences. “It’s not just the United States, but also the whole world, that can see that the current government is dismantling Poland’s constitutional order. Nobody can just stand aside and say nothing.”
The new bill “poses a serious threat to the rule of law,” Nils Muiznieks, the Council of Europe’s Commissioner for Human Rights, said in a statement.
In his comments Friday, Mr. Obama seemed to echo those concerns in calling for further action by the government to resolve the constitutional issue.
“As your friends and ally, we’ve urged all parties to work together to sustain Poland’s democratic institutions,” he said. “That’s what makes us democracies, not just by the words written in constitutions or in the fact that we vote in elections, but the institutions we depend on every day, such as rule of law, independent judiciaries and a free press.”
Donald Tusk, president of the European Council and a former Polish prime minister under the center-right Civic Platform party, compared Poland’s rightward drift to similar movements around the world that have “different values and different strategic aims” from the liberal democracies that have dominated the West in recent decades.
“Whoever turns against America, harms Europe,” Mr. Tusk said. “Whoever attacks the European Union, harms America. And whoever undermines the foundations of liberal democracy harms one and the other.”

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