Friday, July 22, 2016

Russia hacks DNC steals 20,000 emails, gives them to wikileaks to elect Donald Trump?

for background on this here is the word button (Link):Wikileaks releases hacked DNC emails?

I've never heard of Russia (or the Soviet Union either) doing something like this before. But, this is definitely interference in the U.S. Presidential elections by trying to elect Trump by hacking the DNC and stealing 20,000 emails and then giving them to Wikileaks to be released the Weekend before the Democratic Convention on Monday. This is definitely interference of Presidential elections here in the U.S. In the 1950s or 1960s this would have created a nuclear war if something like this happened then, just so you know.

I think the timing of all this is directly related to what Trump said about NATO the other day too?

Are Putin and Trump in Cahoots?

Something to think about.

This might be the real reason Bush I and II, Romney and Kasich weren't at the convention and also partly why Cruz didn't endorse Trump either?

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