Monday, July 25, 2016

The Craziness worldwide this summer just doesn't stop

Whether it is neo Nazis in Germany or crazy people in Nice with a truck or ISIS sympathizers or Black sympathizers shooting 12 cops and killing 5 in Dallas, the insanity of this summer just doesn't seem to ever end. In fact, it appears that each suicide killing seems to create a whole lot more of every type.

One way to view this might be that this is an expected mammalian response to overpopulation because this isn't just one demographic, this is multiple demographics. In fact, the one thing that might bind all these things together is craziness and the use of drugs and alcohol by people, mostly men around the world.

Whatever you want to say the real cause is you have to admit it is not just ISIS, it is not just Neo Nazis, It is not just Black Lives matter suiciders, it is more than any one of these things and likely is just a sign of the times we presently live in.

My own thoughts are that it is about overpopulation, Global Climate Change, genetic Mutation caused by either a Geomagnetic reversal or excursion, and a technological singularity making people more and more confused and unhappy worldwide.

However, this is just from everything I'm aware of and everything I have studied both in the university and on my own the last 68 years of my life now.

So each of us have to form our own opinions. However, one thing I can tell you, Trump doesn't have any answers and neither does Hillary because likely the carnage worldwide is only going to get worse from suiciding terrorists worldwide.

This is not to give you hope but rather to be realistic and adaptable and to prepared for anything. So, if you want not to be killed by ANY kind of terrorists it might be time to move out of big cities worldwide and out into the country where things are a little more sane usually, where there are trees and countryside and beautiful nature all around you.

Just a Thought

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