Sunday, July 24, 2016

The Paradox of the Future?

When I look forward in time as a precognitive psychic and intuitive I find the future paradoxical, especially to those of us who lived during the 20th century as adults like myself. After all, we are now in a new century with new rules of behavior for everyone, even though it is not obvious to everyone yet.

For example, we will see less people in general dying of injuries both mental and physical simply because (at least in developed countries medical and psychological help is now very advanced and will continue to advance at astounding rates from now on.

However, weather related deaths will continue to increase, especially in 2nd and 3rd world nations at an alarming rate and migration to less extreme climates often will spell the difference between life and death for millions of people and eventually billions of people worldwide. By the end if this century if billions don't choose to move to a better climate they will just die from the extremes, especially if they are poor and without resources.

But, at the same time in developed countries wealthier people will have robots to help and serve them in their homes just like people once had slaves and indentured servants. Robots will become less and less expensive for the same reason microchips because of mass production increased their efficiencies while they reduced in size.

On the negative side governments won't put up with ignorant or confused or crazy people as much and will use robots to dispatch people who they don't like for whatever the reason. So, people in 2nd and 3rd world nations often will be killed by robots without much or any real reason other than other people didn't like them.

So, natural selection will be less a apart of who lives and survives than before. In the future only the most ruthless and resourceful people likely will survive in the middle class and below worldwide.

Religions will fade in the most developed countries because after all, religions always have been to counter the fear of death and confusion in life. So, as things become less confused in developed nations and much more confused in 2nd and 3rd world nations there will be this paradox between the logic and reason of developed countries and the panic of 2nd and world nations as weather, robots, disease and pestilence overtake them more and more.

So, you will have relatively easy lives in developed nations (when people can get jobs or create businesses) and almost no hope at all in 2nd and 3rd world nations as weather, calamities of all kinds including bad governments and tyrants and dictators kill many or all the people during the next few centuries.

Some people think a 1 world government would be better than this. However, I believe right now that this is not the case. This likely would just mean the poor would be ignored completely in a 1 world government and the rich would continue to get richer at the expense of the poor.

So, to summarize in poorer nations more people die in awful ways and in richer more developed nations less and less people die ever.

So, you see this natural difference is going to cause ongoing conflicts mostly through terrorists worldwide at least for the next few centuries.

There is unlikely to be big wars because of nuclear weapons no matter what any nation says simply because to do so would end all life on earth and turn the earth into another Asteroid belt like the one in the Solar system now that used to be a planet humanoids (our ancestors live on 65 million years ago before they destroyed it in a nuclear war there. And likely then they sent a piece of the destroyed planet to earth to kill the larger dinosaurs so they could live here within a few years and not have to compete or be eaten by the biggest dinosaurs.

This appears to be what is coming to earth during the rest of this century and the next right now. However, just remember each of us creates the future every moment by whatever we do for all mankind.

By God's Grace

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