Saturday, July 23, 2016

The Wrong Temperament for President?

Trump has the wrong temperament for President. He is too much like Carnegie and Rockefeller and Westinghouse who would all do "Whatever it took" Good or Bad or in between to succeed. Westinghouse even likely had Nicola Tesla, the inventor of alternating Current and fluorescent lighting killed so he could make money off of electricity rather than it becoming Free from Tesla's inventions.

Trump is just like these people. He is a captain of industry. Just look at all the lives destroyed or damaged by his many bankruptcies or lawsuits so far in his life. This is not someone SAFE to have as a president. He would be the first Billionaire President and dangerous to not only the U.S. but also to the world.

I have no doubt that he loves this nation but I gravely question his loyalty to our democratic system. I believe now that at core he is running for president to make money more than any other reason. Even his tax ideas would save him at least 1 million dollars a year in taxes among other things.

But, with the latest revelations about Russia hacking the DNC in order to make sure Trump becomes president we now have the suspicion that Trump and Putin are more than just friends here. And with this Trump (and Putin) have both demonstrated they are a threat to the continued existence of our democracy in a Republic.

Understanding this we also understand why Bush I, Bush II, Romney, Kasich and Cruz all do not support Trump and we know why Trump is a threat to the continued existence of our democracy.

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