Turkey's Erdogan declares state of emergency

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Turkey declared a state of emergency on Wednesday, a move that President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said would enable the state to act faster against those who plotted a failed coup.
In a late-night televised address, Erdogan, who has been carrying out a large-scale purge of the country’s institutions, sought to reassure the country that the measure — which would be in force for three months — will protect democratic freedoms. But the move consolidates more power in the president’s hands, allowing him to rule by decree.
For the state of emergency to be implemented, the decision must be approved by parliament.
The United States and Europe have urged Turkey to follow the rule of law and maintain democratic order in the wake of the attempted power grab that saw a renegade part of the armed forces hijack aircraft and attack key military and government buildings last week. Turkey’s countermeasures have affected more than 50,000 people — judges, civil servants, military, police and others — as the country’s leaders seek to root out opponents and perceived internal dissent.
The government is presenting the measures as an effort to confront a wide-ranging conspiracy led by a U.S.-based Turkish cleric, Fethullah Gulen, a former ally of Erdogan whom Turkey accuses of running a terrorist organization. Critics, however, claim that Erdogan’s government is using the coup attempt as an excuse to eliminate the last vestiges of opposition to its rule.

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“The cleansing is continuing, and we remain very determined,” Erdogan said. He described a “virus” within the Turkish military and state institutions that had spread like “cancer.”
Article 120 of the Turkish constitution allows for a state of emergency to be announced in the event of an act of violence intended to abolish democracy or cripple fundamental rights and freedoms, Erdogan said. The declaration will enable Turkey to “take the most efficient steps” in order to remove threats to “democracy, to the rule of law and to the freedoms of the citizens in our country,” he said.
The crackdown against alleged Gulenists has showed no signs of relenting and continued on Wednesday as Turkey issued a ban on professional travel for all academics, opened investigations into military courts and closed schools.
At least 262 military judges and prosecutors were suspended as part of an investigation by the Defense Ministry into all personnel in its judiciary, the private NTV broadcaster reported. The Education Ministry said it was closing 626 private schools and other institutions that are under investigation for “crimes against the constitutional order,” state-run Anadolu news agency reported.
Almost a third of Turkey’s top military generals have been charged in the coup plot. Turkish government officials have indicated that authorities may move to take more control over the armed forces.