Saturday, November 4, 2017

Why Should Trump's Team Fall on their swords for him? Papadopoulos didn't

Trump demands loyalty on a level unheard of before. But is that loyalty returned ever?

Absolutely not.

Trump is like an ancient king throwing his people under the bus just like he has with Papadopoulos, Gates and Manafort and Flynn and others.

What loyalty has he shown any of them?

Loyalty these days is a two way street and this isn't understood by Trump at all. He functions like an old time King or Emperor expecting everyone to die for him.

How unrealistic is that?

So, are the people around him going to die or go to prison for him?

Absolutely not!

It's every man and woman for themselves now!

I think this is going to be more and more obvious as the days go forward now!

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