Saturday, March 24, 2018

People who want to kill people are going to do it with whatever is available: This is the harsh reality of life

Guns in themselves are not the problem.

People are the problem.

Guns might make it seem easier to kill more people for some

But, people who decide to kill people aren't going to let not having a gun stop them.

This has always been true.

Think back upon warfare even.

Did not having guns stop people from killing people?

No it didn't.

It's the same now.

When people want to kill people they will use knives, clubs, bows and arrows, bombs, anything.

So, thinking taking guns away from people accomplishes ANYTHING is really very very naive.

Taking guns away from law abiding citizens only increases the chance that leaders like Putin take over the whole world including the United States and then turn the world into a dictatorship with no rights for anyone with concentration camps for minorities everywhere, where they are tortured and raped to death. This is the unfortunate reality of life here on earth.

Not understanding this is incredibly if not fatally naive.

Guns are not the problem. People like Putin and the leader of China and the leader of the Philippines and others are the real problem.

At least Trump hasn't taken out a pistol and started shooting unarmed citizens on the streets yet like Duterte has in the Philippines.

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