Wednesday, September 11, 2019

I think it's sad that in our country, companies are the ones having to ask people not to carry guns there

There is this "Wild West" attitude many places in the U.S. now. I tell people that visit from other countries how important it is to be polite when driving a car here so someone doesn't go into road rage and shoot them. But, it's always been this way. However, people generally on all sides are just much more enraged generally now than before. You might think that leftist liberals won't be carrying guns but the anti-fascistas will kill you now and they are growing in number because of Rage against Trump. The Antifascists are anti-Nazis and so anti-Trump as a result. Though it is mostly young educated people they are enraged in a really dangerous way just like White supremacists who are more likely to be carrying assault weapons that are loaded into demonstrations.

In the 1950s people would just beat each other up with their fists. Now, if anyone beats you up you likely will go get a gun and track them home and shoot them. So, people don't beat each other up or else they know there is a good chance they will be killed for it now.

But then, though you might go to the hospital there was actually very little chance you would die because being beaten up was a part of how people figured things out then. Now, people cannot learn anything because they are dead from being shot instead which is completely ridiculous!

So, as the "Wild West" anything goes attitude continues here in the U.S. you could be shot almost anywhere. And as more and more people carry guns (hidden or not) more and more people will be shot the way things are presently going.

Polarization creates abuse, murders and death. So, until we return to civility and politeness hundreds and thousands more people are going to die ongoing and growing. It's inevitable!

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