Wednesday, September 4, 2019

I think we are moving towards a world Wide World war II type of Trade War

This likely will completely decimate world trade on most levels for most countries including the U.S. and China.

However, the U.S. and China likely will be okay simply because China has 1.4 billion people to sell their own goods to and the U.S. has 327 plus million people and Canada and Mexico to sell their goods to also.

So, in the long run it is not China and the U.S. that are going to be devastated the most from this. It is countries that cannot be as self sustaining on all levels like China and the U.S. can be.

So, it is likely that starvation will take out the most people worldwide in every country from this ongoing and possibly (never ending for at least this century) trade war that is now going on. Mostly the poor and middle Class around the world will have the worst time.

IF you can get land where you can be as self sufficient as possible and grow your own food where you have good soil and a long growing season and water rights so water isn't too expensive, now might be a good time worldwide to try to do this to survive all this this century.

Because the people the worst off are going to be the poor and middle Class worldwide living in cities around the world. They will be the first to die along with the country poor without land and water rights to grow their own food or to raise farm animals on.

And right now given China's stance this whole thing could easily last until 2100 AD. So, I think preparing for this eventuality might be good.

Either way, owning tillable land with water rights is a good way to go in uncertain times. So, even if things get better you could rent out your house and land to farmers if you want to move somewhere else if things get better than they are now at some point in the near or far future.

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