Sunday, September 15, 2019

If Iran didn't do this who did?

I was thinking more about Iran denying that they did the 10 drones that brought down 50% of Saudi Arabia's refinement capacity for oil in one fell swoop. It's true that someone else could have done this.

Then I started to think who would want to do this more than Iran? The answer is easy. Russia.

The entire government of Russia (it's economy and function) is almost completely based upon the price of oil. In addition to this Russian social welfare programs are almost entirely based upon the price of oil in Russia too.

So, Putin (in addition to Iran) would want this to happen the most. So, this brings an entirely different slant to all this, doesn't it?

But then, you have to think about another factor which is that Iran and Russia are allies too.

So, what does all this really mean?

For example, it might be to both Russia's and Iran's advantage to see Europe, the U.S. and China all drop into a Great Recession or even Great Depression kind of state. Doing this might create one of these outcomes worldwide.

The raising price of gasoline and diesel alone is said to increase gasoline prices just in the U.S. by 25 cents per gallon and worse in other countries that don't have any oil wells or refineries like the U.S. has.

That 25 cents a gallon (worse in other countries) will only increase the price of all food worldwide brought to market and all goods brought to market in trucks worldwide. So, many many more people will starve who can't afford to pay these higher prices worldwide also for food.

So, if Both Russia and Iran are behind this loss of 50% of refining capacity per day of Saudi Arabia, that means this could happen again and again and again until the world is brought to it's knees in some sort of WorldWide Great Recession or Great Depression.

If this is Russia's Goal then we are all in for it.

I do know that Putin blames Saudi Arabia partly for the collapse of the Soviet Union around 1990 by things Saudi Arabia did then. So, if Russia pursues this path this could be the end of Saudi Arabia unless they are helped by other countries around the world in various ways now.

This is definitely more serious than 9-11 was for the U.S. for Saudi Arabia. That is a given. Understanding the present desperation of Saudi Arabia shouldn't be underestimated when you watch what happens in Saudi Arabia and the Middle East from now on.

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