Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Is believing in God Useful to survival as a human being on earth?

In this, I can only speak for myself and tell you as a 71 year old man that I would not have made it past about age 10 or 12 if I didn't believe in God to begin with.


Because after a blow to the head gave me Childhood Epilepsy (always caused by a blow to the head as a child by the way) there was no other way forward to stay alive than to believe in God at the time because there were no good medicines for this at the time (and from my personal point of view) there still aren't.

With this type of Epilepsy you usually grow out of it by 15 or 16 years of age like I did. However, I didn't understand any of this at the time and neither did my doctors. I found this out when my son studied to be a Nurse and told me that the only form of epilepsy you can grow out of is this one caused by a blow to the head as a child because your cranium (skull) grows and relieves the pressure on the brain eventually caused initially by the blow.

So, for me at least if I didn't believe in God during this time I likely would be dead now because of what I went through at the time.

However, what I'm talking about here has nothing to do really directly with churches or religions, it has to do with a very personal relationship directly with God that tends to keep a person alive through this sort of thing.

So, is believing in God a useful thing for a human being here on earth?

It was and is for me!

By God's Grace

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