Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Trump has made the Judicial and Legislative Branches dysfunctional

You can see it in the hearings with Lewandowski yesterday. By putting party above Country this is where we have arrived because both the Democrats and the Republicans have put party above country which is an obvious disaster for the U.S.

The Republicans fearful of ever being able to vote another Republican president into office have decided that they don't believe in democracy anymore and suppress votes now regularly of Democrats, especially black and hispanic ones nationwide. They prefer Trump's awful antics of a dictator to any democracy actual run by the people.

Take gun legislation for example: over 90% of the America people want background checks expanded on people legally buying guns in the U.S. but Trump and the NRA make the U.S. a dictatorship by preventing the will of the majority of the people in the U.S. on this issue.

In regard to Impeaching Trump there are not enough Republican votes in the Senate and likely won't be before 2020 elections at least. So, the Democrats are playing the kind of games we saw yesterday that just are not working with Lewandowski that make the Democrats (And the Republicans) the laughing stock of the whole nation and world and the butt of unending jokes.

By Trump Forcing Kavanaugh ( Sexual predator) in as Supreme Court Justice like Clarence Thomas was before him, Trump has brought sexual predators to the Supreme Court which has made it's standing drop incredibly in the minds of the citizens of the U.S. and the whole World.

So, it is very easy for me to say that neither of the 3 branches of Government are functional at this point and as long as Trump remains in office it can only get worse and worse.

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