Friday, October 25, 2019

1980 began a whole sequence of events in my life

First, I was remarried in 1980 in March and at the time I was a single father raising my then 5 year old son from my first marriage. Then I went to Ashland, Oregon for a Tibetan Buddhist Initiation. I had always been an intuitive and clairvoyant and knowing things before they happened a lot my whole life. But, the day I went to Ashland for a Tibetan Buddhist initiation with my new family everything drastically changed. As I was walking into the initiation I was 2 places at the same time. I was in the present but also with the Lama maybe 500 years ago in another lifetime and it was springtime in Tibet and I was a Cave Yogi who was a student of this same Tibetan Lama then. I realized this was something more amazing in it's own way than I had ever experienced before because up until this time I hadn't been in two timelines at the same moment while walking around in my body. Since I had been a conscious soul traveler since around 1970 when God gave me permission to do this I had while either sitting or laying down often been two or more places or times at the same time but not while walking around in my body. So, this was something completely new.

I had an experience like this when my father in law passed away too in 2008 where I was driving a car and crying and also with my father in law and helping him get to his parents and his childhood dog. Strangely enough, when my wife and I took his ashes to Saint Louis to be buried with his parents the stick the dog was chasing in my vision was standing up against his headstone and the Graveyard was the meadow that he and the dog and his parents and two wives were watching him play with his dog as he transitioned to the next world then. I was amazed by all this.

So, suffice it to say everything did a quantum jump for me in 1980 and it stayed like this ongoing ever since in many different ways including the vision quest in 1983 and taking my family to India, Nepal, Thailand and Japan for 4 months from December of 1985 until April of 1986 as well.

So, this quantum jump in consciousness never ended but just kept expanding and expanding ever since.

By God's Grace

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