Sunday, January 26, 2020

No one believes in their religion 100%

This is something I noticed always in life in Talking to people. They might believe in 20% to 80% of what are the tenets of their religion around the world. But NO ONE believes 100% in any religion.

Why is this?

Because religion doesn't match people's true beliefs generally speaking.

So, why do people pretend to believe 100% of their religions?

Social pressure of the people they go to church with.

Either they need to make money from these people in their religions or they need these people to accept that they believe what they do not believe. And it is the same thing world wide in all religions.

So, why not write down 100% what you actually believe?

So, you can have full integrity with yourself, your family and your children through the centuries?

This is why I write a lot right here. So, I can share my Full experience of what the universe is to me not only to myself but with anyone that might be helped by my honesty about what my experience with the universe actually is 24 hours a day with the angels, regarding other worlds, regarding past lifetimes in the past, present and future.

So, be the spirit scientist researcher like myself trying to codify what life is all about for you and for mankind and for all beings.

By God's Grace

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