Sunday, January 5, 2020

When I look at the Trump rallies I see a Cult

It likely started with his show "The Apprentice" that people watched. It also might have to do with the fact that he is a billionaire. But, any way you look at it Trump knows how to talk to those enablers of Trump that support him. They don't seem to care that he is lying through his teeth (much like many actors and actresses that people follow too) simply because most people who follow Trump just like being near someone that rich in the hope that it will rub off on them too.

When I hear Trump speak I hear a Used Car Salesman trying to sell me a car I don't want.

When other people that might not have finished High school watch him they might have an entirely different experience. I understand that.

But, the problem becomes "What if this Used Car Salesmen Billionaire" lies so much to you that your entire life and system of government that you relied on to survive is gone?

So, by believing in Trump you have actually committed suicide for you and your whole family forever?

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