Saturday, February 8, 2020

Buttigieg's positions are generally more moderate like Biden

Because of this could Buttigieg actually win in 2020? I'm not sure really on various different levels. Because Buttigieg is a veteran military officer he might win many Independents because of this. However, who he likely won't win over is Black moderates and conservatives. Because of this likely he cannot win in November. Remember Blacks are 12% of the electorate and necessary to win for any Democratic Candidate in November. Sanders and Warren simply will not get the Black Vote for a variety of reasons and likely neither will Butitgieg. Only Biden likely will carry black moderates and conservatives.

So, at present the ONLY Democrat that I can actually see that could win in 2020 in November likely would be Biden. But, I could see now possibly that a Biden-Warren or a Biden-Buttigieg ticket might also win. But, I don't think a Biden-Sanders ticket could win. You need the vice president to be younger with someone like Biden to win because Biden if elected might die in office because of his advanced age at this point, especially if a really serious crisis emerged for him to deal with.

For this reason I have always believed that a Biden-Warren Ticket might win in 2020.

There is a less likely chance now for a Biden- Buttigieg ticket that could also win in November.

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