Thursday, February 20, 2020

What are human beings to most UFO aliens on earth? Pets

I would say in the "Hidden World" we presently live in that UFO aliens treat humans the way you would treat very young children or pets.


Because self destructive behavior would result in a majority of humans worldwide otherwise.

If you have looked around very much most people aren't really that stable psychologically. They are just barely keeping it together enough to face one more day of their lives. Many are functional alcoholics or drug addicts in that they stay straight only to be able to work at their jobs and sometimes not even then. So, only around 25% to 40% of the people on earth could survive the actual truth of millions of aliens living among them worldwide.

You might say how is this possible? It has always been possible and the way things have ALWAYS been here on earth. So, at best humans are like pets or small children in the scheme of things they way they ALWAYS have been here on earth since before there was even oxygen enough to breathe here on the planet.

Besides even mankind are partly from other planets DNA anyway. Name me one species that can talk except for humans. What's wrong with this statement?

The fact is that since the human trait of organized speech is only in us tells us that this attribute likely came from another planet than this one.

So, likely human speech originated on another planet and came here on a space ship with our ancestors (or at least part of our ancestors). I presently believe we are a UFO and Ape hybrid bred so we would have a better immune system for earth than others from other planets would.

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